1. Payment once made is not transferable, not refundable in any circumstances whatsoever.
2. If you have any sort of problem related to timings, class duration, syllabus or course duration, you can get some adjustments done after getting approval from the director. The classes can be adjusted but any refunds are not in the provision. These adjustments are subject to approval.
3. If the fee is not paid for any two months, the admission will be cancelled automatically.
4. Re-admission fee is compulsory to continue the course.
5. All the EMI’s has to be paid in the initial months. For six months diploma, you need to pay it in the first three months, for a one-year diploma in the first six months and in the case of two years diploma it has to be paid in the first fourteen months.
6. The program is valid for the candidate who has been enrolled, it cannot be transferred to any of his relatives or friends.

Lalit Kala Academy
Institute of Fine Art and Fashion Design